Manage Holiday Stress for the Whole Family
“Tis the Season to Be Jolly” is a melody often heard throughout the holiday season, but at the Saint Louis Crisis Nursery, we know that the holidays can carry more stress than merriment. For some, holiday stress might mean going slightly over-budget to find perfect gifts, attending holiday events, cooking a large holiday meal, and spending time with a disgruntled family member. For others, including many of our clients, the holidays also carry reminders of grief and loss of loved ones, past hurt and trauma, and the burden of current crises, such as lack of food, heat, or housing. Whatever the cause, holiday stress can be overwhelming.
It may be tempting to believe that children are not impacted by the stress of this season, but holiday stress impacts children just as much as adults. For children, this time of year often holds different expectations than normal, extra commitments, and over-stimulation from all of the sights, sounds, tastes, and textures of this season. For adults and children alike, it is important to notice the signs of stress and anxiety and find positive ways to cope.
Set clear expectations. The holidays often mean changes in schedules and family dynamics. Be clear and open with children about how holiday gatherings may look and what to expect. Be honest about the expectations your children should have for gifts and holiday activities. When children know what to expect, it can help them to manage disappointment or confusion when things don’t go the way that they anticipated.
Maintain boundaries. With holiday events, traditions, pressure to buy and wrap gifts, sending out holiday cards, and so much more, it can be easy to over-commit and feel overstretched during this season. It’s okay to say no to things that don’t inspire joy or that are outside of your means.
Try to maintain a routine. Disruptions to routines can be extra stressful for children. Keeping regular mealtimes, bedtimes, and daily rituals creates a sense of safety and stability and reduces anxiety. This is helpful for adults as well! Being well-rested, fed, and hydrated provides the foundation needed for when stress arises.
Encourage self-care for the whole family. This could mean exercising, journaling, practicing mindfulness and deep breathing, or a variety of other practices that help promote positive mental health. Notice when your children seem particularly overwhelmed. Modeling self-care for them by taking deep breaths together, spending time together in quiet and safe spaces, and participating in sensory activities (like play-doh or water play) can be helpful.
If you find yourself feeling stressed by this season, know that you are not alone! If you or someone you know is in need of resources and support, it is okay to reach out for help. The Crisis Nursery does everything we can to ease the burdens of families in crisis across our region. Parenting can be difficult under any circumstances, but especially when families face a crisis without resources and support. Our 24-Hr Helpline is always available, even on holidays!
For 38 years, the Saint Louis Crisis Nursery has remained dedicated to the prevention of child abuse and neglect, knowing that parenting is all the more difficult when caregivers are feeling particularly stressed. Saint Louis Crisis Nursery’s compassionate team is always available and ready to help, so that even in the most difficult of seasons, every family has access to safety, support, and happiness.