Tips for Keeping Your Cool This Summer

For some, thoughts of summer may conjure visions of sitting poolside and soaking up some extra Vitamin D. For others, summer may sound more stressful. No matter how enduring their love for their children, for parents, summer often means struggling to find reliable and affordable childcare, losing time to themselves, finding ways to stay cool in the heat, and extra efforts to keep children occupied. If you find yourself encountering these challenges as a parent or caregiver, you’re not alone! The Crisis Nursery has some suggestions below if summer feels stressful for you and your family.

Keep a Schedule

Maintaining regular bedtimes and mealtimes is helpful for children, as a consistent schedule can help them to feel safe and secure. Knowing what to expect each day gives children a foundation for understanding how things work and how to behave, supporting them in developing trust, self-esteem, and regulating their emotions and behavior. 

Prioritize Self-Care 

“Self-care” is a bit of a buzzword these days. Though it can - it doesn’t always mean bubble baths and special treats. As parents and caregivers think about self-care, it can be helpful to think in terms of mindfulness and intentionality. What are consistent and sustained ways that one can care for themselves each and every day, even within the demands of parenting children. 

  • Breathe: Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of 4, hold your breath for a count of seven, and exhale completely through your mouth to a count of eight.

  • Meditate using an App: Mindfulness apps like Smiling Mind and offer free guided meditations.

  • Monitor your Screetime: Research shows that time spent on screens unfavorably impacts sleep quality, attention span, and stress levels for both children and adults.

  • Move your Body: Movement has been shown to increase mood, improve sleep, and also has a wealth of physical benefits.

  • Find Community: Parenting can be isolating, but you’re not alone! Reach out to friends and other caregivers that you know.

  • Sometimes it’s great to enjoy the aforementioned bubble bath and indulge in a special treat!

Enjoy Free Activities

For parents and caregivers living in the Greater St. Louis area who have the time and interest in spending time outside of their home, there are a number of free activities available to families!

Plan Quiet Times

There may be a pressure to fill the summer with a lot of great activities, but scheduling consistent times of rest and quiet can be immensely helpful for children and caregivers alike. Ideas for calming activities at home include coloring or drawing, playing with play-doh, creating with blocks or legos, reading, yoga, blowing bubbles, and water play.

Seek Help When Needed

The Crisis Nursery is just a call away for parents in crisis. If summer stress becomes overwhelming to the point that it impacts one’s ability to cope and/or provide children with the level of safety and care that they need, there are compassionate professionals available to help anytime of the day or night. The Crisis Nursery has a wealth of understanding for how difficult parenting can be, as well as a number of resources and the ability to provide emergency care for children when necessary, to ensure that children remain safe and parents receive the space, tools, and support that they need to care for their children. The Nursery’s 24-Hr Helpline can be reached at 314-768-3201.


Happy 38th Birthday to the Saint Louis Crisis Nursery!


Build a Coping Skills Toolkit with the Crisis Nursery!